O Pantanal somos todos nós.

 Sou Marta Catunda uma artista brasileira

Infelizmente, enfrentamos um momento desafiador em nosso meio ambiente. O Pantanal arde em chamas. Unimos nossas energias e fizemos este vídeo coletivo, interpretando a canção "Adeus Pantanal", de Itamar Assumpção (1949 - 2003),  para que todos se conscientizem deste sério problema. Peço que assista, se gostar, compartilhe em suas redes sociais.

Nosso Planeta agradece.

I am ....... a Brazilian artist.

Unfortunately, I come through this to ask for help. Here in Brazil, we are currently facing a challenging time regarding our environment: the Pantanal, one of the most important biomes in the world, is burning. Among the various factors for this is the neglect of the authorities and cut of funds to fight the fires.

As a way of calling attention to this serious situation, several Brazilian artists joined our energies and made this collective video, interpreting the song "Goodbye Pantanal ", by the great Brazilian composer, Itamar Assumpção (1949-2003), so that everyone is aware of this serious problem. In this sense, I ask you to watch it, if you like it, share it on your social networks.

Our Planet thanks you.

fonte: https://youtu.be/j__g0gRrZbQ





Insta: @ceciliaborelli2 


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